7 Major Chakras Overview
If you are just beginning the long journey into the world of Holistic healing you may discover that meditation gets boring if you do not have continuous reminders of what you should be meditating on. Top that that off with poor or irregular eating and inconsistent exercise patterns and you may find that learning is no longer fun and lose interest.
Thus, I formulated a plan, which I can load into my Icloud and easily organize. You don't need to purchase any new material and can source your contributions easily if you remember to keep a file for your chakra meditations.
One chakra each week if you are a beginner and one per day or every other day if you are more experienced. You will not master each one daily at first, and that is okay. The point is that you make an effort to connect with the world, yourself and your inner self as you go through them.
7 Major Chakras Overview
The basic human chakra system, as it is commonly accepted, consists of seven chakras stretching from the base of the spine to the crown of the head. Their names, locations and corresponding chakra colors are:
- Root chakra — base of the spine — red
- Sacral chakra — just below the navel — orange
- Solar Plexus chakra — stomach area — yellow
- Heart chakra — center of the chest — green
- Throat chakra — base of the throat — blue
- Third Eye chakra — forehead, just above area between the eyes — indigo
- Crown chakra — top of the head — violet
Sometimes, a Sanskrit name is used instead of English, this is because the study of the chakra system originates mostly from yogic traditions from India. You’ll sometimes find them referenced as:
- “Muladhara”
- “Svadhishthana”
- “Manipura”
- “Anahata”
- “Vishuddha”
- “Ajna”
- “Sahasrara”
I know that is a lot to take in so we will take it one at a time. Some of you will be able to tackle one per day while others should/ can begin slowly.
Let us begin...
Let us begin...
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