Practical Tips in Chakra Fashion & Home Decor

One way I have incorporated daily chakra meditation during the hustle and bustle of the day is aligning my wardrobe each day focused on a particular chakra. I have also made different rooms of my home centered on a particular chakra where I can go naturally to meditate there.

I begin on Monday with a preselected assortment of colors and healing stone accessories that end on Sunday. Then I get to start over and mix and match certain oils and crystals to my desire.

Personally, it makes me feel energized and recharged for the next week. Of course, you do not have to follow my regimen, this is purely a suggestion that I have been using to assist me. The goal is that I will unconsciously remember the frequency (color) of each vibrational energy for each day of the week and be able to master each chakra pulling from source.

Monday- (red) 1st Chakra to 2nd
I typically wear my Tiger Eye & Clear Quartz beaded necklace/bracelet(s) paired with red or earth-toned hues of red/orange.

I find that this simple tactic assists with my "Om" to First and Second Chakras. Sometimes I just wear my colors for my undergarments and wear a simple grey shirt/shorts on top. The point is to reflect on the chakra, not the style but beginning out, it helps to keep the 95-98% of your unconscious mind reflective on the balance and alignment of your root to sacral chakras that set up the beginning of the week.

You can make this fun and hipster or if you feel silly in jeans, chuck taylor, and crop tops, you can create your own colorful, sophisticated wardrobe that would envy any business professional. 

Why feel the need to throw out things when you can use some Designer flash? I admire Coco Chanel for her veracity and iconic look so I  love pairing her designs with healing chakra crystals.

Have fun creating and simulating the feelings/emotions that each chakra can bring to your wellness.

I hope that you will find your own beginning. This should be fun and a great way to start establishing your pandora's box of healing treasures and memorable keepsakes.



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